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Version: 1.0.0



An archive is a place where you can save all your business documents. You can upload documents and save them in the archive. You can also download documents from the archive.

Archive view

The archive view is divided into two parts. The left panel is the archive tree and the right panel is the archive table. In the archive tree, you can see all the folders and subfolders you have created. In the archive table, you can see all the documents you have uploaded to the archive.

Archive view

When you click on the document in the archive table, the document data will be displayed in the right modal. The modal contains the document title, description, document type, document size and buttons for downloading and previewing the document.

On double click on the document title, you can edit the document title and description. You will also see the button for deleting the document.

Archive view

Create folder

Adding a new folder is simple by clicking on the "New folder" button from the right side of the page.

A new folder dialogue will appear where you can enter the name of the folder and select the parent folder.

Delete folder

Deleting a folder is simple by clicking on the "Delete" button from the right side of the page. This will delete the current folder. If the folder contains subfolders, the subfolders will be moved to the root folder. If the folder contains documents, the documents will move to the root folder.

Upload document

Adding a new document is simple by clicking on the "Upload document" button from the right side of the page.

Upload a new file dialog will appear where you can select the file you want to upload. You can upload just one file at a time.

Archive upload