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Version: 1.0.0



Invoices are the documents that you send to your customers to bill them for the goods or services that you have provided. You can create invoices for customers and track the status of those invoices.

Invoice view

Invoice view

You can see the data of the invoice by clicking on the "Invoices" button in the main menu and the invoice table double click on the invoice you want to view.

The invoice view includes functions for editing, deleting, printing and sending invoices.

Create invoice

Adding a new invoice is simple by clicking on the "New invoice" button from the overview of all invoices.

View edit invoice

Edit invoice

Editing an invoice is simple by clicking on the "Edit" button from the overview of the invoice.

View edit invoice

Send invoice

Sending an invoice is simple by clicking on the "Send" button from the overview of the invoice. When you click on the "Send" button invoice will be sent to the customer's email address which is entered in the customer's data.

Share invoice

You can share invoices with your customers by clicking on the "Share" button from the overview of the invoice. When you click on the "Share" button you will get a link and QR code that you can send or show to your customers.

Share invoice

Add payment to invoice

You can add the payment to the invoice by clicking on the "Add Payment" button from the overview of the invoice. When you click on the "Add payment" button you will get a form where you can enter the amount of payment.

For example, if you have an invoice with a total amount of 1000.00 and you enter a payment of 500.00, the invoice will be marked as partially paid.

Add payment to invoice

View transaction history of invoice

You can view the transaction history of the invoice by clicking on the "Show transactions" button from the overview of the invoice. When you click on the "Show transactions" button you will get a table with all transactions of the invoice.

Transaction history of invoice

You can print invoices by clicking on the "Download" button from the overview of the invoice. When you click on the "Download" button you will get a PDF file that you can print or send to your customers.

Delete invoice

Deleting an invoice is simple by clicking on the "Delete" button from the overview of the invoice.