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Accounts are your sources of money. You can have multiple accounts in the app, and you can use them to track your money flow. You can have bank accounts, cash accounts, and online accounts.

  • Bank accounts are your checking, savings, or any other bank account.
  • Cash accounts are your cash register, or any other cash account.
  • Online accounts are your online payment accounts like PayPal, Stripe, etc.

Accounts list

The accounts list is the place where you can see all your accounts. You can see the account name, account type, and the current balance of the account. You can also see the total balance of all accounts.

You can access the accounts list by clicking on the "Accounts" link in the sidebar.

Accounts list

Adding an account

To add a new account, click on the "Add account" button on the accounts list page. You will be asked to enter the account name, account type, and the initial balance of the account. You can also add a description to the account and other details.

Add account

Account details

To view the details of an account, click on the account name in the accounts list. You will be taken to the account details page where you can see the account details like account name, account type, initial balance, and other details.

You can also see the transactions of the account on the account details page.

Account details - transactions

You can view the bank account details in the tab Bank details.

Account details - bank details

Editing an account

To edit an account, click on the account name in the accounts list. You will be taken to the account details page where you can edit the account details. You can change the account name, account type, initial balance, and other details.

Edit account

Deleting an account

To delete an account, click on the account name in the accounts list. You will be taken to the account details page where you can delete the account.

Delete account

Audit log

You can see the audit log of an account by clicking on the "Audit log" link in the account details page. The audit log shows the history of changes made to the account.

Audit log

Open banking

You can connect your bank account to the app using the open banking feature. To connect your bank account, click on the "Connect bank account" button on account list page. You will be asked to select your country and bank, and then you will be redirected to the bank's website to authorize the connection.


For using the open banking feature, you need set up the open banking integration in the app settings.