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Version: 1.0.0



Minimum requirements are described on the Requirements page.


First, you need to download the latest version of BiznisBox from our Github repository. The production build is named You must download this file.

After you download the zip file, you need to extract it to your web server. You can use any web server you want. We recommend using Apache or Nginx.


The base directory is a public folder. You need to set your web server to use the public folder as a base directory.

After that, you need to generate a new application key. You can do that by running the following command:

php artisan key: generate

After that, you need to create a new database and set the database credentials in the .env file.


You can find the .env file in the root directory of the application. Or you can copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env.

After that, you need to run the migrations to create the database tables. You can do that by running the following command:

php artisan migrate

After that you must create links to the storage and public directories. You can do that by running the following command:

php artisan storage:link

This command will create a symbolic link from public/storage to storage/app/public which will be used to store user avatars and other files.

Init the application

First, you need to init default data and default settings, permissions, roles, etc. You can do that by running the following command:

php artisan biznisbox:init

When you run this command, you will be able to create the administrator user. You need to enter the email, password and name of the user.


You can change the email, password and name of the user later.

Creating the user from the command line (optional)

You can create the user from the command line. You can do that by running the following command:

php artisan biznisbox:create-user [email protected] password Admin --role=super_admin

Explanation of the command:

  • [email protected] - email of the user
  • password - password of the user
  • Admin - the name of the user
  • --role=super_admin - the role of the user (default role on init are super_admin or user)

You can change the email, password and name of the user. You can also change the role of the user. You can find more information about roles on the Roles page.

BiznisBox uses cron jobs for updating the exchange rates and sending reminders. You need to set up the cron job to run every minute. You can do that by adding the following line to your crontab file:

* * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

And that's it. You can now access your application. You can access the application by visiting the URL of your web server. You will be redirected to the login page. You can log in with the user you created in the previous step.

If you find any issues with the installation, please contact us or open an issue on GitHub.